Keep Your Weight Loss Efforts on Track Without Any Extra Exercise

Keep Your Weight Loss Efforts on Track Without Any Extra Exercise

When it comes to losing weight, being sidelined from strenuous workouts can feel like a major setback. You should know, however, that real weight loss doesn’t have to mean committing to intense workouts or excessive exercise. In fact, some of the best methods for losing weight are ones that are gentle on your body and tough on those stubborn fat cells. So, if you are looking to lose weight without a heavy workout, you will definitely want to read through these tips.   

 Try to Keep Your Stress Levels Low 

 Did you know that stress can cause you to gain weight? Stress-related weight gain is fairly common, especially as people become busier and busier, but the reasons for that weight gain could actually surprise you. You may already know that you are more likely to crave fatty and sugary snacks when you are feeling stressed, but prolonged feelings of tension can actually change the way your body processes and stores body fat. All that excess stress can leave you with excess fat around your midsection. So, when you cannot get your regular workout in, make sure you are putting some emphasis on relieving stress in your daily routine. Use any extra time you have to begin a meditation practice. With mindful meditation, you can get relief from stress, anxiety, and other issues in as little as five minutes each day. Also, make sure you're getting enough sleep to help keep stress levels down. If you're having trouble sleeping due to mouth breathing, TMJ, or sleep apnea, contact Kansas City Myo & Wellness for more information about the benefits of orofacial myofunctional therapy or to schedule an appointment for treatment.


Focus on Your Food Habits 


Getting regular exercise is an important element in keeping your body fit and healthy. When a tough workout is not an option, however, you can still keep yourself in shape by paying closer attention to your eating habits. What and how you eat plays a critical role in the overall health of your body and mind, but it can also be an effective tool in maintaining a healthy weight, even when used on its own. Simple steps such as consuming plenty of healthy proteins to lessen feelings of hunger or putting unhealthy foods on smaller plates can be incredibly effective in helping you get into shape without any strenuous exercise. Look for healthy recipes online to make nutritious dishes such as a Mediterranean bowl, which includes lean protein and good carbs. Additionally, diet apps and trackers are great tools for managing what and how you eat, so download one or two to your phone. 


Look for Easier Ways to Stay Active 


If an injury or time constraints are keeping you from completing a high-intensity workout, you don’t have to give up on your weight-loss goals. There are still ways to keep yourself active and keep your body burning calories without putting excess strain on your body. Swimming is an especially effective way to work out your heart and muscles, and it happens to be a low-impact exercise as well. Swimming works so well because unlike other exercises (including more rigorous ones), doing a few laps or some aerobics in the pool requires more of your muscles to stay engaged. Even at a slower rate, swimming can burn around 400 or so calories in an hour without putting extra pressure on joints, muscles, or limbs. If swimming is not an option, you can try other gentle workouts instead, but even a little activity is better than none when it comes to staying in shape. If you're having difficulty performing a workout due to joint problems, you can try taking a joint supplement to help with pain management. Just be sure to research brands carefully before deciding which product to try.


Achieving a healthy weight when you can’t get an intense workout in shouldn’t cause you any extra anxiety. Simple changes to your lifestyle and daily habits, from the way you eat to how you stay active, can make more of a difference than crazy workouts. So don’t despair! You can still lose weight and stay in shape, without stressing yourself out.


Author: Cheryl Conklin of

Photo Credit: Pexels

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